
Lesson: English Grammar - 22t01

Parallelism: Try it Yourself

[Page 22 of 28]

Task: Identify the flaw or flaws in each of the following sentences. When you think you have it/them, click Continue and see if you're right.

1. I spent time in Paris, Barcelona, and on the southern coast of Spain.

The sentence is going along fine until the end, but it changes prepositions from "in" to "on" (error #1), introduces a preposition in the third clause after it's been absent from the second (error #2), and then modifies Spain so that it is no longer parallel with the names which precede it (error #3). A correct version of this sentence would read, "I spent time in Paris, Barcelona, and Spain." If the information about the Southern coast is important, the sentence can be restructured to read as follows: "I spent time in Paris and Barcelona, and on the southern coast of Spain." Now the sentence structure respects a different kind of parallelism: preposition (in, on) followed by place names.


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