
AU - BS Computer Sciences Past Papers Download, Previous Merit and Eligibility Criteria

AU: Air University

Air University (Multan) - Punjab (Main campus in Islamabad) Under Graduate degree in Computer Sciences for admission 2025 - 2026.

BS in Computer Sciences

The Air University has two faculties, Applied and Basic Sciences and Administrative Sciences in Phase I, to be followed by Engineering in Phase II. The University started the Multan Campus in the heart of the city in a rented building named Khan Centre at Abdali Road, Multan Cantt. In the fullness of time the campus will be constructed over an area of 200 acres in the suburbs of Multan.

The University announced admission for two programs, BSCS and BBA (Honors) in the month of January 2011 and classes for these programs started on April 19, 2011. From Fall 2011 semester a third degree program, MBA (3 ½ years), is also being offered.

Download Similar to Past Papers Sample Papers

Download sample papers of AU for Under Graduate in Computer Sciences. All these papers are based on interviews of previous test takers.

AU Test pattern and Preparation

Air University admission criteria includes an aptitude test for Under Graduate degree. Prepare free the test of AU for BS Computer Sciences.

Test Pattern and Preparation

Application of BS CS

In the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program at AU, you’ll get in-depth, hands-on experience in the theory and application of computing, as well as practical experience.
The computer science program of Air University attracts students who are interested in both the mathematical theory and technical applications of computer science. Most employers look for students who are good computer scientists but also understand the tools and techniques of mathematics, science, and industry and are able to communicate effectively. The AU BS program is for the mathematically adept student who wishes to become a computing professional with knowledge of relevant applications areas.

For detailed Eligibility Criteria.

The eligibility criteria information is based on previous years specially 2024