
Journalism For CSS

Book Category
Compititive Exam Preparation
Muhammad Asif Malik Tahir Majeed Khan
Ahata Shah Darian,22 - Urdu Bazaar
Lahore Pakistan
Publisher Phone
042-36107179     37358997

Book Review

Ours is an age of information explosion.Journalism, from the very beginning disseminating information entertaining and educating the public at large.Now Journalism has been replaced by mass communication including print as well as electronic media. With this apparent change of name the objectives Journalism also have been changed. The book is a thorough study of the subject. We have solemnly worked hard to extract the answers of the questions asked in competitive examination.It was no doubt an arduous and cumber same job.But at the end of its completion We are satisfied and we are sure many would be satisfied after reading this book. The book would not be only helpful for the C.S.S candidates and all other relevant exams but it would be a better study for those who are interested in knowing something about theoretical Journalism.