The Balochistan Liberation army (also Baloch Liberation Army or Balochistan Liberation army) (BLA) is a Baloch nationalist militant secessionist organization. The stated goals of the organization include the establishment of an independent state of Balochistan free of Pakistani and Iranian rule. The name Baloch Liberation Army first became public in summer 2000, after the organization claimed credit for a series of bomb attacks in markets and railways lines. In 2006, the BLA was declared to be a terrorist organization by the Pakistani and British governments. Sardari system that was abolished in 1975 is at the back of them. It is another source of unrest. The sardars are the curse of Balochistan. They don’t represent Balochistan at all. They kill their own people; they don’t want their people in power. Claim to be a sardar is illegal. Every sardar is a parasite, since he does not work for a living. Baluchistan’s natural resources do not belong to sardars. They belong to the people of Balochistan, In fact, the curse of Balochistan are the sardars.. The government should disclose the secret funds it has been providing to sardars. These are used for arming the tribals for insurgency.
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