
Media is not the fourth pillar of the state

However, independence is one of the basic rights of the Judiciary but it only means that it should be free to give its honest verdicts without any outside pressure or influence. The decisions given by it should promote smooth running of the government’s working. It should avoid throwing spanner in the working of the state machinery. This happens when the Judiciary is high- jacked by the opposition or the media that is composed of the press, the radio and the television. Media is often termed as the fourth pillar of the state which is not a fact for the following reasons: One: It has no constitutional recognition as an integral part of the government just as - Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary are Two: With the elimination of the media altogether the government does not sic functioning. Three: Media is also commercial in nature. it runs such programs that are likely to attract maximum ‘income from advertisements which may at times be morally, officially and legally offensive. Four: In the name of criticism the media often indulges in campaigns of vilification against the government that tend to spread disinformation and violate the Press Laws and code c: conduct of the media. It may also demoralize the nation. Five: Media usually remains locked up in a neck-break competition with each other t: surpass in popularity due to which they some times forget to abide by the norms of decency an decorum. Six: More than the government the media prefers to play in the hands of the opposition whose activities provide sufficient ‘salt and pepper’ to make the news stones tasty and relishing that sell easily among the viewers. In view of the above media is an independent universe in its own right. It is not at all par of the government or the state by any reckoning. .

Inside the Topic

Pakistan s place on the corruption chart of the world, Media is not the fourth pillar of the state, Fundamental responsibility of the Judiciary, Suo moto should be corrective in nature, and others.