Independence of Judiciary, rule of law, dispensation of justice are such sublime concepts which no one can dare to treat with disrespect. But when an aggrieved person looking for redress of grievance fails to get justice, the rule of law degenerates into the misrule of the outlaw, he would not then be expected to maintain a perception of elevation about the judicial system to which he had resorted with high hopes. This phenomenon of failed justice is not uncommon. Barring some honourable exceptions where justice is done to the entire satisfaction of the petitioner, the cases of indifferent justice, half-hearted justice, delayed justice, outright injustice and at times indefinite postponement of justice piling up pending cases in thousands, develop situations that may lead to frustration, despondency or even absolute lack of faith in the system among the citizens of the state. The question is why despite the existence of a full-fledged high powered and completely independent Judicial department such a sorry state of affairs should at all develop? The answer is the department has to function in a corruption-ridden and perversion- infested atmosphere. Just as a person working in a coal mine would be unable to keep himself clean similarly any department including Judiciary, with the best of intentions, would not be able to keep its hands clean when it has to work in a polluted environment.
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