
Sentence Correction MCQ Set 5

Showing question 21 to 25 of total 113 MCQs

MCQ Set: 5

Solve the question on your notebook and check it by clicking (Answer and Explanation) below question.

Question No: 21

Warning that terrorists remain determined to strike the country, senior government officials urged citizens to remain vigilant and report suspicious behavior, taking actions necessary to speed up the recovery from an economic catastrophe should terrorists succeed in launching an attack

  1. to remain vigilant and report suspicious behavior, taking actions necessary to speed up the recovery from an economic catastrophe
  2. to remain vigilant, reporting suspicious behavior and take actions to speed up the recovery from an economic catastrophe
  3. to be remaining vigilant, reporting suspicious behavior, and taking actions necessary to speed up the recovery from an economic catastrophe
  4. to remain vigilant, report suspicious behavior, and take actions to speed up the recovery from an economic catastrophe
  5. to be more vigilant in reporting suspicious behavior and taking actions necessary to speed up the recovery from an economic catastrophe

Question No: 22

If the gardener would sow the seeds in the greenhouse rather than the garden, he might get a better display of flowers.

  1. If the gardener would sow the seeds in the greenhouse rather than the garden
  2. If the gardener sowed the seeds in the greenhouse rather than the garden
  3. If the gardener would sow the seeds in the greenhouse rather than in the garden
  4. If the gardener were to sow the seeds in the greenhouse rather than in the garden
  5. If the gardener would sow the seeds in the greenhouse instead of the garden

Question No: 23

After a storied investment bank recently fired its CEO and hired an outspoken and flamboyant replacement, members of the news media centered their stories on the replacement's claims that, based upon his past work at a private equity firm, he can return the investment bank to profitability.

  1. that, based upon his past work at a private equity firm, he can return the investment bank to profitability
  2. of the ability, based upon his past work at a private equity firm, of returning the investment bank to profitability
  3. of being able to return, based upon his past work at a private equity firm, the investment
  4. to be, based upon his past work at a private equity firm, able to return the investment bank to profitability
  5. that, based upon his past work at a private equity firm, he is capable of returning the investment bank back to profitability

Question No: 24

Unlike the team of lawyers working for the petitioner, whose argument rested on a questionable interpretation of a bill that only recently passed Congress, the government's argument centered on what many legal experts consider a main-stream interpretation of the Bill of Rights.

  1. the team of lawyers working for the petitioner, whose argument rested on a questionable interpretation of a bill that only recently passed Congress
  2. the argument from the petitioner, which rested on a questionable interpretation of a bill that only recently passed Congress
  3. the petitioner's argument, which rested on a questionable interpretation of a bill that only recently passed Congress
  4. the petitioner's argument, whose case rested on a questionable interpretation of a bill that recently only passed Congress
  5. the petitioner's argument, which rested on a questionable interpretation of a bill that recently only passed Congress

Question No: 25

The temperature dropped suddenly last night, which will mean that the shoots emerging from the soil will be killed by the frost.

  1. which will mean that the shoots emerging from the soil will be killed by the frost.
  2. which will mean that the frost will kill the shoots emerging from the soil.
  3. and this will mean that the shoots emerging from the soil will be killed by the frost.
  4. and the resulting frost will kill the shoots that are emerging from the soil.
  5. and as a result, the shoots will be killed by the frost, emerging from the soil.
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