
FJMC Fatima Jinnah Medical College

Lahore - Punjab     Pakistan
HEC Rank
Not Available
Specialized Field
Medical Sciences
Institution Level
Gender Specification

About FJMC

FJMC is dedicated to women education. Only females can get admission in this medical college. Fatima Jinnah Medical College is a research institute. It offers bachelor to postgraduate studies in medical sciences. At the moment FJMC has 264 Post-graduates in various disciplines at various stages of post graduation in the college and Hospital. Not only the females from Pakistan apply to have admission in FJMC but also a lot of females from all over the Muslim world apply. Fatima Jinnah Medical College works to meet the needs of the nation.

Admission and Entrytest

FJMC admission in MBBS and BDS requires a high score in entry test. You can find the prep module by selecting the degree.

Download Past Papers

FJMC - Fatima Jinnah Medical College

offers many degrees. To download Fatima Jinnah Medical College past papers select the degree first.

Test Pattern and Online Tests for FJMC

Both interactive and on page tests (MCQs) for Fatima Jinnah Medical College are available online. you can practice a large number of question for each section of FJMC test.

For taking online test (MCQs) and for downloading the past papers, select the degree.


FJMC offers MBBS degree in many specializations like Gynecology, Obstetrics, and Pediatrics. As the college operates under Punjab government, so all the rules and regulations for admission are governed by UHS and PMDC. According to which merit criteria includes weight-age of entrytest score for admission in MBBS and BDS programs.

UHS and PMDC Entrytest

It is mandatory for all applicants to Medical (MBBS) and BDS degrees to appear in entrytest (MCAT).

Entrytest (Admission Test) Preparation

www.entrytest.com offers free preparation of the test required for the admission in Fatima Jinnah Medical College.
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