The Situation make you stressed
And you know what's worst? What's worst are the little jokes we make at our own expense:
- Me? Break into the 90th percentile? Are you kidding? [chuckle]
- I go to pieces during Reading Comprehension, I'm such a dope. [embarrassed laugh]
Jokes at your expense are destructive because
they contribute to destroying your confidence. The motivation behind them
is to inoculate the ego against future failure. ("If I laugh about it
now, then falling short won't hurt as much later on.") Trouble is, the
jokes become a self-fulfilling prophecy, and bring about a letdown.
Here's the bottom line: The little engine that
says "I think I can, I think I can" may or may not make it to the top
of the hill. But the engine that says "I know I can't"? It never will.
Bet on it!
See the glass as half-full. Keep telling yourself "I choose to take this test (not 'I must'), and I will do well.