
Series and Sequences Lessons and Download MCQ

Number series/sequences tests present numerical sequences that follow a logical rule based on elementary arithmetic. An initial sequence is given from which the rule is to be deduced. You are then asked to predict the next number that obeys that rule.

This section has been included in many of tests specially, the job tests. You can have hand on this section if are fluent in arithmetic tables you have memorized in primary classes.

Download Series MCQs

Logical Section

Mathematical logic and inference if the root of this section. If you have grip on basic arithmetic then this section will be quit easy for you.

Memorization of Tables

If you have memorized the basic multiplication tables then this section will be no problem for you. You should memorize up to 20 x 20 tables.

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Number Series / Sequences

A lot of IQ tests contain questions of the number series type. This type consists of a series of numbers to which you have to add the last one. The series is built using a certain system, meaning the numbers are not in a random order.
This module introduce you how you can deal with such questions. Take the lessons and have high score in the test.

Video Lessons and 10 Fully Explained Grand Tests

Large number of solved practice MCQ with explanations. Video Lessons and 10 Fully explained Grand/Full Tests.

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