
Rules of Precis Writing SET 3

  1. Your précis should be a connected whole. As such it should not be divided into paragraphs. (This rule does not apply to very long original writing pieces of writing such as these set in competitive examinations).
  2. Do not use the direct form of speech in the précis. If the author has written in the first person pronoun using “I” and “my” you should write in the third person pronoun: “he” and “his”. The précis may in such cases begin thus:
    “The author says of According to the author...”.  In case the name of the author, Chesterton or Johnson
    or Macaulay, is given at the end of the passage, the précis should begin thus: “According to Chesterton , or “Macaulay says or “Johnson expresses the view...”.
  3. Think of a suitable title for the précis. The title should ordinarily not be a complete sentence. A title must be supplied even though it may not have been asked for.
  4. Indicate the number of words in your précis at the end.