
932 - Logical Reasoning

Logical Reasoning MCQ No. : 34564

Question: Six months or so after getting a video recorder, many early buyers apparently lost interest in obtaining videos to watch on it. The trade of businesses selling and renting videos is still buoyant, because the number of homes with video recorders is still growing. But clearly, once the market for video recorders is saturated, businesses distributing videos face hard times.
Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the conclusion above?

  1. The market for video recorders would not be considered saturated until there was one in 80 percent of homes.
  2. Among the items handled by video distributors are many films specifically produced as video features.
  3. Few of the early buyers of video recorders raised any complaints about performance aspects of the new product.
  4. The early buyers of a novel product are always people who are quick to acquire novelties, but also often as quick to tire of them.
  5. In a shrinking market, competition always intensifies and marginal businesses fail.

Correct Answer: D


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