Moral courage consists of resolutely refusing to be
induced to do what we think wrong by the consideration of what other.3 may
think or say about our conduct. Thus, while ordinary courage rises superior to
the fear of death and pain, moral courage enables us to defy the power of
public opinion and the foolish contempt of our associates. When we have once
made up our mind as to what we ought to do. Courage, in the ordinary sense of
the word, is shown by the religious man runs the risk of torture and death
rather than abjure his religion meal courage enables a man to be faithful to a
religion which is despised by the multitude or by his own friends. Just as
ordinary courier consist either in the total absence of. fear or in conquering
timidity by resolute determination, so the man of moral courage many either
have no fear of the adverse opinions of others, or he may be very sensitive to
the blame of his fellow-men, and yet, in spite of his sensitive nature,
resolutely and with pain to himself adheres to his resolution.
Many men who are brave in the face of bodily danger
are destitute of moral courage. Until of late years in England the code of honor
encouraged dueling. Any gentleman, who happened to be insulted by a drunken
fool of his own station in life, was bound in honor to challenge him to single
combat with swords or pistols. If he refused to do so, he became degraded in
the eyes of his associates, and was considered to have forfeited his claim to
be regarded as a gentleman. Almost every gentleman had sufficient courage to
conform to this custom and expose himself to the risk of death. When the code
of honor required him to do so. Very few had the moral courage to refuse to
fight. Yet many must have recognized the wickedness and folly of the practice,
and been conscious of the -l selfishness of sacrificing to a point of honor the
comfort and happiness of those who depended on them for support. In this case
moral courage was particularly difficult, as it dictated conduct that to a
superficial observer looked like cowardice.
But in the case of all sensitive persons it may be
said that it needs a great efforts of will to obey the dictates of this virtue.
In displaying courage in the face of bodily danger we are powerfully supported
by the admiration of our fellow-men whereas the man of moral courage has to
expose himself to the condemnation of public opinion, or to the hatred and
contempt to those near and dear to him, without whose affections and esteem
life seems scarcely worth living.