
Section: Islamic Hudood Laws 1979

Question About: Rassagiri or Patharidari

Explain the terms “Rassagiri” or “Patharidari” and how it is punished?

Whoever commits Haraabah which is not liable to be punishable provided for in Section 17, or for which proof in either of the forms mentioned in Section 7 is not available or for which punishment of amputation or death may not he imposed or enforced under this Ordinance, shall be awarded the punishment proved in the Pakistan Penal Code, (Act XLV of 1860) for the offence of dacoity, robbery or extortion, as the case may be:
1. Whoever extends patronage, protection of assistance in any form to, or harbours, any person or group of persons engaged in the theft of cattle, on the understanding that he shall receive one or more of the att1e, in respect of which the offence is committed or a share in the proceeds thereof, is said to commit “Rassagiri” or “Patharidari’’.
2. Whoever commits “Rassagiri” or “Patharidari” should be punished with rigorous imprisonment for a term which may extend to fourteen years, or with whipping not exceeding seven stripes, and with confiscation of all his immovable property and with fine.
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