
Section: Pakistan Penal Codes ACT 1860

Question About: Hijacking and its punishment

What is Hijacking? What punishments are provided under PPC for it?



Section 102—A defines Hijacking that whoever unlawfully, by force or show of force or by making threat of any kind seizes or exercise control of an aircraft is said to commit hijacking.


Any person who commits hijacking or conspires of attempts to commit or abets the commission of the same shall be punished with death or imprisonment for life and shall also be liable to forfeiture of property and fine.


1. A gets control of aeroplane on pistol point and compels the Pilot go against its route. Held: A is liable for Hijacking.
2. Z keeps M in his house, which is an absconder under charge of Hijacking and wanted under the law, Held: Z is also liable for offence of Hijacking.


Whoever knowingly harbours any person whom he knows or has reasons to believe to be a person who is about to commit or has committed or abetted the offence of hijacking or knowingly permits any such persons to meet or assemble in any place or premises in his possession or under his control shall be punished with death or imprisonment for life and shall also be liable to fine. It is also an offence under International Law. v>
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