
Lesson: English Grammar - 22t05

Parallelism: Try it Yourself

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Task: Identify the flaw or flaws in each of the following sentences. When you think you have it/them, click Continue and see if you're right.

1. I spent time in Paris, Barcelona, and on the southern coast of Spain.

2. Harry is a man with the best intentions and who has the highest principles.

3. Our personalities are shaped by both heredity and what type of environment we grow up in.

The two things that shape us need to be in the same format, so if the first is a noun ("heredity"), the second needs to be a noun as well. Your corrected sentence would read something like this:

Our personalities are shaped by both heredity and environment.

If you want to be more specific about "environment," you'd need to do so in another sentence. Parallelism limits what you can do with a sentence. Once you start, you have to keep going in the same form.

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