
How to follow China s example

If China’s example is to be followed, first create a Pakistan of post-revolution China. There it was communism that worked the miracle of freeing the common man from the yoke of the feudal lord. Here it will be the force of Islamic democracy— pure democracy as advocated by the Holy Quran. Results achieved will be much better than what were achieved by China under the system it believed in.

The fact is hundred thousand anti-corruption suggestions that have been put forth so far and equal number or more that may be thrown up in future, will be of little avail unless the axe is made to hit the root cause of the menace. China’s worthy example has been quoted above which could control corruption through stringent measures. Why can’t Pakistan do the same? China first created proper environment in which it became possible to take tougher actions. China’s Revolution of 1949 came in the wake of the philosophy of Communism that eliminated the elitists, the source of all corruption, and empowered the common man with a bunch of devoted Party leaders on top who nursed only one ambition that is to make China great and strong, which they did. They were the proud people with immaculate character fired with the aim to serve people. As such they could take stringent actions without fear or favour. Mao Zedong liberated China from its feudal past and his successor led it into the 21st century with its socio-capitalist reforms. Modem China with its population of 1.3 billion is self-sufficient in food which means it feeds 22 percent of world population from only 10 % of world’s arabic land. Its rate of economic growth is phenomenal, which is evident from the figures given below.

China’s GDP growth is around 10 % on an average. Its annual exports are over 760 billion dollars. It has foreign exchange reserves of almost one trillion dollars to which it annually adds another 160 million dollars— ten times what we in Pakistan have been to accumulate over the past six years. One of every two cameras in the world, one out of every three televisions, one out of every four washing machines and one out of every five refrigerators are being manufactured in China. Out of every ten pairs of shoes imported into the US, originate from China.

Population growth which once blocked the rapid economic growth is being controlled by following a policy one child per family. China consumes more energy than Japan and is only second to oil thirsty US. For this purpose it relies heavily on indigenous coal (64 per cent). The opening chapter of China’s 11th Five Year Plan states, “Major development targets have been  achieved ahead of time, China intends to be both the socialist tortoise and the capitalist hare. the same time.” Although China has privatized many of its state enterprises, it has not created - hyper class of multi-billionaires. Wealth has yet to catch up with power which continues to res: with Chinese communist Party. In pursuance of a policy of liberalization thus being pursuance sentiments for Marxism have little place in China.

Inside the Topic

What is corruption, Mainspring of corruption, History of anti-corruption measures, China s example, Magnitude of corruption in Pakistan, How to follow China s example, Lessons Learnt From China s Example, A critical Question, Nation awaits the coming of a Man of Destiny, Conclusion, and others.