As usual the government has announced program to ameliorate the plight of the children who have been working. Eye-catching advertisements have been inserted in the dailies. Will the schemes announced remain schemes on paper only?Long back the government tried to bring about prohibition in the state but later on the government had to retreat its steps. Government measures only can’t solve any problems. Child labor can’t be wished away with mere legislation without a well thought, workable and field-tested rehabilitation plan. In the absence of a proper enforcement and rehabilitation program the ban on child labor will be a bane for child laborers and the society as a whole because once these children are freed from their jobs they will take to other unlawful activities to survive or to look after their family member, as most of them are the sole breadwinners. Even central and state governments and NGOs are not aware how many people will be rendered jobless and what will be the implications and ramifications of such a blanket ban. Talking of a workable rehabilitation plan for child labor in a country of our size, population and a system infected by corruption is ridiculous. The concept of social security is still to catch up in Pakistan.The job is very tough and the hurdles are insurmountable but that should not render us lethargic and helpless. First of all there must be an agency to see that each and every child goes to school and this agency should be given all possible help to do its job. Every possible help should be given to the children to continue their studies and there should be no dropouts. If we are sincere in our efforts schooling will leave no child free to wander and work. Moreover, every parent of each child must be assured a job to survive. Above all, those who still employ children to save some bucks, because if they are to employ the adults they have to pay them more, should be heavily penalized and exemplary punishment should be given to them. Laws made and implemented half heartedly will not yield any result. Our intentions are good but our actions should equally be good. Will-power can give a death blow to any malady.
Long back the government tried to bring about prohibition in the state but later on the government had to retreat its steps. Government measures only can’t solve any problems. Child labor can’t be wished away with mere legislation without a well thought, workable and field-tested rehabilitation plan. In the absence of a proper enforcement and rehabilitation program the ban on child labor will be a bane for child laborers and the society as a whole because once these children are freed from their jobs they will take to other unlawful activities to survive or to look after their family member, as most of them are the sole breadwinners. Even central and state governments and NGOs are not aware how many people will be rendered jobless and what will be the implications and ramifications of such a blanket ban. Talking of a workable rehabilitation plan for child labor in a country of our size, population and a system infected by corruption is ridiculous. The concept of social security is still to catch up in Pakistan.
The job is very tough and the hurdles are insurmountable but that should not render us lethargic and helpless. First of all there must be an agency to see that each and every child goes to school and this agency should be given all possible help to do its job. Every possible help should be given to the children to continue their studies and there should be no dropouts. If we are sincere in our efforts schooling will leave no child free to wander and work. Moreover, every parent of each child must be assured a job to survive. Above all, those who still employ children to save some bucks, because if they are to employ the adults they have to pay them more, should be heavily penalized and exemplary punishment should be given to them. Laws made and implemented half heartedly will not yield any result. Our intentions are good but our actions should equally be good. Will-power can give a death blow to any malady.
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