Family life gets cracks. Joint families get crude jolt. Earning members of the families leave their old parents to fend for themselves as they can’t afford them because they have no money to spare after utilizing it to buy necessaries of life. In these days of high prices, a guest, once regarded as an image of God, is unwelcome. 1e are becoming selfish, money- minded and unhelpful to others. We are losing our virtues. Families disintegrate because of rising prices. After buying necessaries of life parents are left with no money to send their children to good schools as they cannot afford the expenses. As a result of this talented children sulk and go against their parents but they are too little to realize the hard and harsh realities of life. Rising prices have compelled many ladies to work and this keeps them away from their home for hours at a stretch. Maidservant they can’t afford, so they leave their tiny tots in creches. When these tiny tots grow up they remain all alone without the company of their parents. This shatters the bond of love between the children and the parents. This affects the children psychologically and many of them fall in bad company. The root cause of all these disturbances is rising price.
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