The newspaper acts as a kind of liaison between the government and the masses. In a democratic set-up the press is a powerful means of education. By reporting current events and interpreting them to the readers, it helps them to take an intelligent and alert part in the affairs of the society and the nation. It prepares the public to raise its voice against the arbitrary actions of the government. It also prepares them to appreciate the moves of the government if they are good in public interest. In this way people get socially and. politically aware and vigilant. Press acquaints the people with the policies and actions of the government and at the same time it publishes the reaction of the public and enables the party in power to modify its policies and measures. It keeps a constant eye on the movements of the government, its ministers and its officials and this function of the press keeps the government machinery on its alert and on its toe and it dares not do anything against the will of the people. It keeps them reminding that they are finally answerable to the multitude and they are enjoying power on their behalf. Thus it keeps a correcting check on the corruption and tyranny of the government.div>
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