The father of nation Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah said: Our task is not yet finished and this disturbing feeling we get when we look around us. Progress has been made and we can boast of a big reservoir of scientific, technological and managerial skills. But overall pace of all round success and development miserably falls short of our expectations. Our rate of growth can’t match the rate of growth of China. We are corrupt at every level. It is a historically proven fact that corruption fades away into nothingness before good governance and good administration. Corruption is cut to the minimum possible size with the sharp scissors of good governance and good administration. Corruption retards the march of progress. Today we eat corruption, we drink corruption and we live in corruption. It has become our second nature and we take it for granted. We are totally drenched in corruption and the thick clouds of corruption have blinded our vision to differentiate good from bad. We spit wherever we like, we urinate wherever we desire, we do anything illegal and still go scot free, we murder and somebody else is hanged. It will not be wrong to say that we have not made success as it should have been made. And when we go to foreign lands we are extremely successful. What makes the difference? It is only that other countries are well governed and well administered and corruption there is negligible. So to kiss success in the true sense of the term and to give a death blow to the monster of corruption good governance and effective administration are the only way out. No short-cut, no magic wand and no miracle.
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