NAB Role in Corruption
NAB was able to
recover hundreds of billions of rupees from politicians and former
officials responsible for causing enormous financial loss to the country
but failed to eradicate corruption. It has been more than eleven years
since NAB was established, yet in view of political pressures it has not
been able to perform independently and effectively.
In fact, corruption cannot be eradicated only by NAB as it must get the
required support from state and societal institutions. When the menace
of corruption has deepened and has acquired patronage at the highest
level, NAB is simply power-less in fulfilling its mandate.Corruption has put a
question mark as far as the future of Pakistan is concerned. As said
earlier, Pakistan has reached the stage of a fragile state because of
mis-governance, breakdown of rule of law, extremism, militancy,
nepotism, poor work ethics and rampant corruption. If such negative
trends are not curbed, Pakistan will cross the line which has been drawn
between a fragile and failing state. There are so many
examples of failing states, particularly in the third world where the
writ of the state is fast disappearing and there is widespread
lawlessness. It seems, Pakistan is fast approaching the stage from a
fragile to a failing state because no state institution is functioning
properly: there is total indifference and apathy to the absence of rule
of law and the society is fragmented on ethnic and sectarian grounds.