
IIU Sample Papers Download
International Islamic University

International Islamic University offers a wide range of study programs. The university IIU programs ranges from bachelor level to postgraduate studies. IIU admission criteria includes admission test for all post graduate studies where as for undergarduate courses the university requires test for professional degrees.
International Islamic University is a reputed university in Punjab and successfully operating in major disciplines. Web address: www.iiu.edu.pk International Islamic University Web Link

Programs of International Islamic University

Select the program to view the test pattern of International Islamic University and to take online test of MCQs. You will be able to download the old and sample papers of International Islamic University.

Download Sample Paper of the test of IIU

Here is one sample paper for International Islamic University test. To download more sample papers visit the degree program page.

Scholarships and Financial Aid by International Islamic University

Scholarship is based on assessment of need and merit as well as availability of funds. Selection will be decided on the basis of information provided in this form and investigations for the authentication of provided information. Candidate may be required to appear for interview (s).


  • Providing false information may result in one or all of the following:
  • Cancellation of admission.
  • Rustication from the university.
  • Initiation of criminal proceedings.
  • Disqualification for award of any future loan/scholarship.
  • Refund of all the payment received and or a penalty equal to total scholarship amount.


  • Fill in the form using black ball point pen and write in capital letters
  • Read the application form carefully.
  • Make a photocopy of the application form
  • Complete the photocopy form and make sure everything is correct and final
  • Copy all information from photocopied form to the original form
  • Submit duly completed application form to the admission office or focal person
  • Furnish factual, comprehensive and authentic information in the form
  • For family financial reporting parents/guardian may be consulted for guidance
  • Whenever in doubt or lost, seek help from the Focal Person
  • Ensure that you have attached all the required documents by putting a tick mark in checklist
  • Answer all questions. Those not applicable should be marked “N/A”
  • Affidavit Needs to be submitted after final selection of the candidate

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