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Artificiality During Interview

A candidate should not try to be artificial. There can be no better image of one's self than the natural one. The candidate must speak, converse and behave in the way he is used to do. Self-consciousness is the main foe of good performance in interview. Everyone of us suffers from one difficulty or another. No man is perfect, no man can be. Allah has given His men different capacities. Some are adept at public speaking, others may not be fortunate in that regard. Some have good language, others have to do with average. It is a good thing for a candidate that he should be aware of his weaknesses and try to ratify these beforehand. But if these are of such nature that they cannot be corrected during the time of preparation, then it is better not to try to hide them, when the interview is in progress. Nothing can be corrected on this stage.

Be Brief and Clear

It is preferable to speak in one's own language, however, lack luster it may be, than in borrowed or memorized high flown language which may open at the seams under the slight unforeseen pressure. Artificiality must be avoided at any cost. It would be often seen that men who are apparently not so "smart" do better in interviews than those who appear ordinarily to be of the "get-set brand". The reason for that is that ostensibly "unsmart" candidate are natural in their communication with others while those of the other type are not. This point can be understood better by referring to our own experience and impression of men we meet. It is in our experience that we promptly like the man who does not put on airs, a simple man who has clear habits, does not look shabby, is not dominating but assertive, clear and brief in his expression, friendly and well-meaning in his behavior towards others. Above all, he is all sincere and without affectation. On the other hand, as soon as we learn the slightest trace of insincerity and uncalled for artificiality in a man, however, polished and well-informed, we cannot help but feel a bit angry with him and however objective our measurement, it cannot but suffer from a bias, even if unconscious, against him.

Need to Be polite

Courtesy is a very valuable thing in interviews. It costs nothing but pays much. However, well-informed, polished and smart one may be, one may ends up with a totally negative impression on the minds of others if one even appears to be rude, impolite and discourteous. Even if a candidate has to emphasis his point of view, he must do it in quite a soft way. In such cases, a good interviewee or examinee would choose some expression or phrase polite, yet forceful enough to articulate difference of opinion or information. It is always good to say something like. "I am afraid sir that the viewpoint put forward is outdated and has been proved to be based on mistaken information.....or " If you permit me to point out, sir, while what you say is correct in relation to ideas, it suffers from certain handicaps when viewed in the context of realities...." It is wrong to be abrupt in pointing out the error of the interviewers. The candidate must know that the interviewers may be genuinely mistaken or they may pretend to be ignorant or half-informed in a bid to discover candidate's knowledge. A candidate should never say, "You are wrong sir...." or "That is not correct ...." or "That is an absolute point of view" or "What you say is unrealistic".

Smiling Face

The candidate must endeavor to create an atmosphere of happiness and joy at the time of his interview. This would help him to relax, to avoid being rigid and stiff and bring out the best in him. A smiling face is the surest grantee to success in all dealings of life. In an interview, one must attempt to produce an impression of happiness, confidence and colorful liveliness.

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