
Ordering of Words MCQ Set 5

Showing question 21 to 25 of total 31 MCQs

MCQ Set: 5

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Question No: 21

In the question below, there is a sentence with jumbled up parts. Rearrange these parts, which are labelled A, B, C and D to produce the correct sentence. Choose the proper sequence.
They were silent …..
A) as it went by
B) came their cries
C) and then as it receded
D) ‘That’s him. What does he want?

  1. ABCD
  2. DCAB
  3. BCAD
  4. ACDB

Question No: 22

In the question below, there is a sentence with jumbled up parts. Rearrange these parts, which are labelled A, B, C and D to produce the correct sentence. Choose the proper sequence.
Hearing the door..…
A) to the window
B) he ran in alarm
C) slam violently
D) to see if anybody just went out

  1. DCAB
  2. CBAD
  3. ABCD
  4. DCBA

Question No: 23

In the question below, there is a sentence with jumbled up parts. Rearrange these parts, which are labelled A, B, C and D to produce the correct sentence. Choose the proper sequence.
Rather than refuting …..
A) the claim, the author clearly
B) the reader’s sympathy
C) acknowledges Meredith’s inability
D) to evoke

  1. ABCD
  2. DCAB
  3. BCAD
  4. ACDB

Question No: 24

In the question below, there is a sentence with jumbled up parts. Rearrange these parts, which are labelled A, B, C and D to produce the correct sentence. Choose the proper sequence.
‘Slow and steady is …
A) taking the analytical writing
B) at least not when you are
C) not the way to go,
D) test of this exam

  1. DCAB
  2. CBAD
  3. ABCD
  4. DCBA

Question No: 25

In the question below, there is a sentence with jumbled up parts. Rearrange these parts, which are labelled A, B, C and D to produce the correct sentence. Choose the proper sequence.
Mrs Dalal had a soft spot for Boori Ma,….
A) occasionally she gave the old woman
B) flavor her stew
C) some ginger paste
D) with which to

  1. ABCD
  2. DCAB
  3. BCAD
  4. ACDB
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