
Lesson: Data Sufficiency Basic - 15t01

Practice A Value Question

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Let’s get a little practice doing value questions. Choose your answer, then click Continue.

What is the total cost for five apples and five pears?

  1. Two apples and ten pears cost $0.90.
  2. Two apples and two pears cost $0.50.
  3. Statement (1) BY ITSELF is sufficient, but statement (2) by itself is not sufficient.
    Statement (2) BY ITSELF is sufficient, but statement (1) by itself is not sufficient.
    Both statements TAKEN TOGETHER are sufficient, but NEITHER statement BY ITSELF is sufficient.
    EACH statement BY ITSELF is sufficient.
    The two statements TAKEN TOGETHER are NOT sufficient.


    We need the cost per apple and the cost per pear, or some other information that will allow us to find the total cost of 5 apples and 5 pears.

    Statement (1) is insufficient. We don't know what proportion of the total cost is attributable to each type of fruit, therefore, we can't find the cost per fruit, nor can we deduce the cost of 5 apples and 5 pears in any other way.

    Statement (2) is sufficient. It gives us the cost of two apples and two pears ($0.50), so if we halve that we get the cost of one apple and one pear ($0.25). Thus, five times that cost will give us the cost of 5 apples and 5 pears. Choice (B) is correct, and Step 3 isn't needed.

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