
Precession systems Training Center, Lahore PCSIR Admission 2013

Precession systems Training Center, Lahore PCSIR Admission 2013
1. D.A.E in Mechanical Technology with Specialization in precision Machining & Instrument Technology (3 years).
2. Advance D.A.E in Mechanical Technology with Specialization in dies and Mould Technology (4 years)
1) PSTC PCSIR Laboratories Complex, Fairoz poor road Lahore- Ph: 042-99231797
2) PSTC PCSIR Laboratories , Jamrood Road Peshawar. Ph: 091-9218358
3) PSTC PCSIR Laboratories Complex, of University Road Karachi. Ph: 021-34641962
4) Mimber Technology PCSIR Head Office, 1 Shahrah Dastoor G5/2, Islamabad. Ph: 051-9225395
5) PSTC PSCIR, house# 115-116, Shahbaz Town Phase III. Koita Ph: 0812-820859
6) PCSIR, CM&FT Punjab Small Industries Estate, Daska Ph: 052-6625086
More Information: www.pcsir.gov.pk Director/Principle Doctor Farooq Taaj
PSTC,PCSIR Laboratories Complex Fairoz poor Road, Lahore. 54600
Ph: 042-99231797
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