
International Islamic University Islamabad Admission Notice for Fall 2013

International Islamic University Islamabad Admission Notice for Fall 2013 Students with Awaiting Results (for BS & MA / M.Sc)
Candidates awaiting result may also apply. However, they are required to submit an undertaking that they shall submit overall pass result of required degree latest by 30.10.2013. However, if fail in any subject or fail to secure required marks or CGPA their admission shall stand cancelled without any notice. They must not conceal the fact and immediately report to Admission Office for refund of tuition fee as per notified refund policy given in the prospectus of IIU.
NTS / GAT Scores:
No forms for MS/PhD level programs will be accepted on;
a) Result awaited basis, and
b) Without required NTS / GAT (General) and NTS / GAT (Subject) scores respectively.

Test Schedule:

Schedule of Admission test is also available on IIUI website www.iiu.edu.pk. No separate call letter will be issued to the candidates. Result of the Admission Test will be announced through IIUI website within five days after date of admission test/interview. Only successful candidates will be called for interview. Candidates for BA/BS/BSc/LLB are exempted from interview.


There are currently no seats available in the University Hostels. The few seats which become occasionally available are preferably allotted to the overseas students.


Transport facility will be subject to availability.
Submission of Application Form for Admission:
Admission Form can be purchased against payment of Rs. 300/- from (1) HBL IIUI Branch, Sector H-10, (2) First Women Bank Ltd., Female Campus, IIUI Branch Sector H-10, Islamabad. Admission Form and Admission Guide will be available in Bank w.e.f. Monday, 10th June, 2013.
Admission form can be obtained by post through sending self addressed envelope of (size 10’ X 12’_ along with a draft of Rs. 350/- in favour of International Islamic University, Islamabad, latest by July 01, 2013.
Admission From can also be downloaded from IIUI website www.iiu.edu.pk.
Candidates holding A-level certificates or equivalent and Deeni Madrasa certificates from recognized and registered Wifaqs / Board are required to submit equivalence certificate from IBCC or HEC for admission to their respective program along with their application.
In all programs admission are restricted to limited seats. Only those candidates who fulfill the basic eligibility and pass the entrance test will be considered on merit.
Duly signed admission form in duplicated in all respect along with two sets of attested copies of academic record and a draft of Rs. 700/-(if down loaded from then Rs.1,000/-)in favour of International Islamic University, Islamabad as non refundable admission processing fee must be submitted or reached IIUI before 12-07-2013 (Friday) on the following addresses:

Contact Information

Female candidates should send their forms to: Admission Office (Female), Ground Floor, Admin Block, International Islamic University, Sector H-10, Islamabad, Pakistan
Male: PH, +051-901956, 9019749, 9019750, 9019619
Female: Ph, +92-51-9019327, 9019877, 9019854
Last Date to Apply : 12-07-2013
For updates and further detail please visit our Website www.iiu.edu.pk
Shagufta Haroon
Director (academics) International Islamic University Admin Block, Sector H- 10, Islamabad
Ph: +92-51-9257988, 9019616
Fx: +92-51-9257915, E-mail: admissions@iiu.edu.pk
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