The comforts of modern living cannot be thought of
without electricity’. Since its very invention in the last century, electricity
has been put to use in several ways, and today we have practically become a
shave to this invisible power. We lit our homes with electric lamps, work under
electric fans, live in air-conditioned houses. Travel in electric cars and
electric trains, press electric bells to call our servants, use electric
washing machines and enjoy TV. And films all worked by electric power. Thus in
almost every field of modern living we depend on the house of electricity
The development of industry in the modern age is
entirely, a miracle of electricity. In every factory it is the electric current
that turns the wheel. The country who can produce sufficient electricity for
industrial and domestic use can manage to progress speedily. The ‘total
industrial produce and commercial turnover of a country depends on the quantity
of electric power available for her industry and transport.
Electricity has not only revolutionized our
industry and commerce, it has also brought for us great facilities in the field
of -education and health. Treatment by X-rays and electrothropy would have been
impossible without the help of electricity. Diagnosis and operations in many
complicated diseases are done only with the help of electric power. And for
almost all chemical preparations and medicines electricity is a must. Even in
the field of education we find electricity very useful. Education through
films, radio and tape cord has been possible only with the help of electricity.
In brief, electricity is a servant that serves us
for 24 hour. Both in the home as ‘well as outside the home. It is a good servant
only till the time ‘you keep it under your thumb. But, as soon as your grip becomes
loose, it becomes a cruel master. Thousands of people in every country die
every year simply because of electric shocks. Soon this giant is out of control
it becomes extremely dangerous. Therefore, with all its blessings, its risks
should also be put in mind.
On the whole, electricity is a very useful and
important power. t has become a part and parcel of modern living. Its
advantages are so numerous that people forget its dangers and very often become
a prey to it, but that is a fault not with the electric power but with those
who use it.