
MBA - Ever Green Degree

MBA is one of the most liked degree in Pakistan. Not only the students after completing 16 years of education in any discipline but also the professionals like engineers, computer science graduates, and doctors (MBBS) opt to enter into the field of business education. The number of MBAs is increasing day by day as almost every university in any field of study offers one or more courses in business education. Every year, a large number business graduate advent into the job market.

Increasing Number of Jobs

Even though the existing number of MBAs is very large, the job availability for business graduates in job market is far better than that of other fields of study. Every business concern national or multinational expanding its operational horizon. Banks, telecom companies, automobile manufacturers, food item manufacturers, home and office appliance sellers, cosmetics producers and NGOs are penetrating across the country by introducing their business offices in big and small cities. This situation has created an accelerated demand of business graduates.
It is true that the facilities and the Remuneration is decreasing but still it is better than that of other jobs. If we focus on career growth business graduates enjoy above average position.
Moreover; aid from International donors for the development projects will also make the job in this field more lucrative by creating jobs for the business graduates as accountants, managers, field officers, etc. In addition, world's largest bank in terms of value, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited (ICBC), is about to enter in Pakistan. This investment will surely help economic conditions to recover and create jobs for the business graduates.

Impact of Worldwide Recession

In 2008, worldwide recession had deteriorated the economic conditions of the big economies – USA, UK, UAE, etc. and developing economies – Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Brazil, etc. too. However; big economies recovered from this slump but developing countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh and others too are paying price in terms of high inflation, unemployment, poverty, etc. In Pakistan, in reaction to declined businesses the companies expanded their reach by opening new business points in even smaller cities across the country. The job opportunities for MBAs did not shrink as much as it was for the other fields.

Why should I do MBA

Graduating from some reputed business school is the dream of every professional degree seeker in Pakistan, no matter where he/she comes from - Engineering, medicine, arts, humanities, etc. Is it worthwhile to be a business graduate in today's economical conditions of world generally and Pakistan specifically?
Keeping in mind the comparison with other opportunities available to you, the answer is very obviously "Yes" Be very particular to yourself and the opportunities available to you in Pakistan. In which field of study you are and what is you career path? If you are a doctor or an engineer your specific opportunities are quite different than those of the person in arts, humanities or natural sciences.
Other main consideration is career growth. Career growth in business management is far better than other fields growth. MBAs receive better Remuneration and early promotions. As the corporate business grows, the chances of being promoted are always there.

Job Hunting Period

Job hunting period vary considerably from person to person. Every person has his/her own set of circumstances and abilities which determines early or late job finding success. If you gets late in finding a job, dont be disappointed. The job hunting period for MBAs is almost one year on an average. Even in advanced and developed countries like USA and UK, a business graduate cannot find compliant job in one year. You are in a developing country, you should consider yourself fortunate enough if you find a job in 10 months after graduation.

MBA is Ever Green Degree

You should try for MBA degree from a reputed business school. It is more rewarding than many other degrees.
Best of Luck.

Where you should have admission ....... coming soon

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